One of these such books, is The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, by Michael Chabon. This is a book about many things: comic books: WWII, the loss of America's innocence, the Holocaust, illicit love affairs, friendship, escape artists, and love. I would be unable to describe it adequately without telling people that it simply must be read. Random House, the publisher of this literally amazing book, has decided to re-release it in paperback, for reasons known only to them. I would like to think it is because they realize how important this novel is, and that re-releasing it will bring it to the forefront of the American consciousness again, where it belongs. It will allow this book to be discovered by those who missed it the first time it was released, and give those who enjoyed it the first time an opportunity to share it with those who have yet to read it.
The book will be available for sale beginning tomorrow. And I ask that all of you read it in whatever way you can; take it out from the library, buy the ebook, buy if from me, ask for it as a gift, or borrow it from a friend. This is a book that truly must be read. If you are looking for a great book look no further, for this is one of the best there is.